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    Concrete mixing station environment

    Fecha: May 08, 2017     Autor::

    Concrete mixing station set up to require a little bit of consolidation. And for concrete mixing station, it is important not only production and safe operation, the environment is also particularly important. Concrete mixing work in progress when standing back noise and choking air. Therefore, when establishing concrete mixing station, concrete mixing station environment is particularly important.
    In establishing concrete mixing station, when usually built on the outskirts of the city, or the middle of nowhere. Such work when mixing station. Noise emitted does not affect the lives of others. There is also the problem of air, there should be a raw material for the production of sand and gravel, so vehicular traffic will cause a lot of dust. The usual time to pay attention to the ground above the sprinkler control air. Meanwhile in the work process equipment also add dust control system to ensure clean environment throughout the production process.
    Such concrete mixing station established not only the community, the staff, the environment caused great distress. Establish when mixing station. Please we must pay attention to these aspects.

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